What is Accreditation?

Accreditation is the procedure by which an authorized body assesses the competence of a conformity assessment body to perform specific tasks such as testing, calibration, certification and inspection.
Competence is key to ensuring the transaparicity, reliability and efficiency of the services
provided by Accredited Conformity Assessment Bodies.

Benefits from accreditation

- For regulators
- Technical competence;
- independence, impartiality and integrity;
- risk management;
- proper use of equipment and human resources;  Accreditation Benefits for CABs - Better visibility in the market; - Enables reports and certifications to be more acceptable in overseas markets via international recognition of EA MLA

How can we accredit?

1- Request for Recognition of Procedure 2- Application for accreditation
3- Pre-evaluation
4- Evaluation Visit
5- Evaluation Report 6- Review of the whole process
7- Decision
8- Supervision of accreditation
9 - Renewal of accreditation
10- Complaints and Appeals

Services of the General Directorate of Accreditation

“Conformity Assessment Body” means any body that carries out conformity assessment activities, including calibration, testing, certification and inspection. The General Directorate of Accreditation is the only national body that carries out the accreditation of conformity assessment bodies
To assist the CABs with contemporary technical information, please refer to the link:


This site provides access to all publications compiled by EA. EA-approved international documents are linked to relevant ILAC or IAF sites.

In this section you will be familiar with the procedural documents of EA members.

Procedures, Application Application Documents, etc. for accredited bodies for the purpose of ensuring compliance with accreditation practice for all EA-MLA signatories when accredited according to harmonized international standards and technical specifications. The documents are either: Obligative (M) or Guidance (G) or Informative (INF).


